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Conversion Calculators

Specify a value and click "calculate" to solve for the others.
Fahrenheit: Celsius:
Kelvin: Rankine:
Specify any two values and click "calculate" to solve for the other two.
Voltage (V): volts Current (I): amps
Resistence (R): ohms Power (P): watts
Specify a value and click "calculate" to solve for the others.
Metric: pascal: millibar:
  kilopascal: bar:
Mercury: inches: centimeters:
Imperial: PSI: PSF:
Atmosphere: standard: technical:
Specify a value and click "calculate" to solve for the others.
Fluid Ounces: Quarts:
Gallons: Liters:
Specify a value and click "calculate" to solve for the others.
Ounces (oz): Pounds (lbs):
Grams (g): Kilograms (kg):
Rectangle: width: height: =

Circle: radius: =

Cylinder: radius: height: =
Specify a value and click "calculate" to solve for the others.
Millimeters (mm): Meters (m):
Inches (in): Feet (ft):
Yards (yd):    
Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. The accuracy of the calculations cannot be guaranteed.
The providers accept no responsibility or liability.

Hile Controls, Inc.
Phone: 205-620-4000 or 800-536-0269 or Fax: 205-620-2575

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